Weeks 10-12: The Grill

The Grill is a firey maze that serves as entertainment for the Fire Goblin King and his guests. Prisoners or volunteers are dropped into the maze's center and must find their way out. Small flying eyeballs follow along, projecting everything they see on the walls of the great hall above. Spectators come to watch and bet on who will survive and for how long. The longer people stay in the Grill, the weaker they get unless they can find ways to relieve the heat.


  1. Great treasures can be found in the Grill - if you can survive.
  2. There are secret chambers in the Grill filled with unimaginable treasures.
  3. Inside a secret passageway is a statue that will teleport you out of The Inescapable Pit of Shadows. This is, unfortunately, not true. But, as they say, hope is the last thing you lose.
  4. The burning runes on the walls have a message, leading you to an object of great power.
  5. A single bite from an ember spider will cause its victim's blood to boil and cook them alive from the inside out.

Fire Goblin King image used under licence from shutterstock.com, by the artist Barandash Karandashich

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